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Meet the Committee: Project Coordinator

Take a peek at who our committee members are and what they do for OpenMinds in these short interviews! Today we meet our wonderful Project Coordinator, Zoe Watson!!

Hi Zoe! Can you start by telling us what year you are in and what you study here at university?

Hiya, I'm a third year student studying psychology.

So can you begin by explaining a little bit of what it means to be project coordinator for OpenMinds?

Well, within this role I'm required to lead committee meetings, organise each of the crash courses and school sessions. Basically, I ensure that all of the committee are completing their required tasks and try to keep OpenMinds running smoothly. Also, I have close communication with the mental health professionals that come in and give up their time to deliver talks!

What do you feel is the most important issue with mental health today?

I think the most important issue with mental health today is the lack of help and support that is out there. Despite the numerous charities (including OpenMinds), there is still a fatal flaw in the amount of money that mental health services are allocated, thus making it extremely difficult for young people to get help for debilitating mental health conditions.

And so what’s your top tip on dealing with issues in mental health? (e.g. calming methods, anti-stress techniques etc)

My top tip would be to always take a step back and avoid becoming consumed by the pressures of everyday life, whether that be taking a break from social media, having a home day or just going for a walk, it's important to put things in perspective and remember what is truly important.

What has been the best part of volunteering with OpenMinds for you?

My favourite thing about volunteering with OpenMinds is the noticeable difference that I can have on a pupil's day, by educating them and fuelling them with knowledge about these ever so important mental health conditions. Sparking a discussion with the children is the most important thing about my role!

Finally, what would be your advice to volunteers or anyone wanting to get involved in OpenMinds?

My advice would be to just do it! It is a very small time commitment and can be so rewarding. Whether you just volunteer once, or you become a team leader, we appreciate any time that the student's at the University of York are able to give.

To learn more about OpenMinds, head over to our next Crash Course session on 21st January 2020 at 18:00 in V/045!

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