
William Wright
I'm Will, the project coordinator for this year! I'm a 4th year biology student at UoY and I was secretary on the committee last year! I also enjoy travelling and long walks on the beach. I've really enjoyed my time with OpenMinds and can't wait to see what we can all achieve over the next year!
Project Coordinator
Lauren De Graw
Hello!! I’m Lauren and the Secretary for Open Minds this year! I’m a second year Psychology and Education student. I love to travel and be outdoors! I volunteered for Open Minds last year and became even more passionate about this cause. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store!
Sara Arfan
Hello! I’m Sara, this year’s treasurer. I’m a second year biomedical sciences student here at York! I enjoy cooking, archery and photography. I also love watching Egyptian comedy! I really enjoyed last year’s crash course sessions and found them so informative, interactive as well as very interesting! I’m so excited and look forward to working with the Open Minds team this year.
Ella White
Hi, I’m Ella and I’m a 4th year Psychology student. I was Facilitator last year, and am excited to work with the new committee to further develop Open Minds as Lead Facilitator! When I graduate I’m hoping to travel Asia and become a clinical psychologist, so Open Minds has given me fantastic experience working with professionals to raise awareness about mental health and reduce the stigma.
Lead Facilitator
Verity Stark
Hi there! I’m Verity, a second-year Psychology student. I volunteered for OpenMinds last year, and wished to become more involved by becoming one of the school liaison officers for this year! My role as a school liaison officer involves maintaining good relationships with previously visited schools and establishing contact with potential new schools. I can’t wait to see what our team will achieve this year!
School Liason Officer
Amy Mitchell
I’m Amy a third year Molecular Cell Biology student and the Volunteer Co-Ordinator. I volunteered for the first time last year and found it such a rewarding experience! I was keen to join the committee to help increase awareness of the importance of mental health, as well as to ensure that other volunteers would be able to have the same great experience that I had. My role as volunteer co-ordinator is to organise and allocate volunteers for school sessions, run DBS sessions and safeguarding training, and to act as a point of call for volunteers who need support or advice.
Volunteer Coordinator
Ellen Worrall
Hello! I'm Ellen and I'm a 2nd year Psychology student. My main priority is to gather all the feedback on the workshops and training from the past year and to use this information to make OpenMinds better for this upcoming year. This is a great volunteer placement to get involved in and I thoroughly enjoyed doing it last year!
Research Lead
Leia Massey
Hello there! I am Leia and I am one of the facilitators for Open Minds, I am also in charge of the website and design stuff. I volunteered last year with OM, I really enjoyed it and am a keen advocate for the cause, so I'm looking forward to being more involved. I love drawing, travelling and my puppy!
Facilitator & Designer
Chloe Robinson
Hey!! I'm Chloe, and I'm a 3rd year Psychology student here at York. I volunteered with Open Minds last year, and I loved seeing how much pupils learned about mental health after going into schools. So I cannot wait to help this year's volunteers to do the same thing, in my role as a facilitator! My favourite thing to do in York is to try to find a new hidden away coffee shop, pub or bar- I want to try them all before I leave York!
Amy Moss
Hey, I'm Amy and I'm a 3rd year Psychology student. Last year I loved volunteering for Open Minds. I found the volunteering very rewarding knowing that I was benefiting school students by educating them on mental health. It was lovely to be able to answer their questions and see them learn more about such an important topic. I'm excited to be a Facilitator this year!